Mug.Cycle- making it easier for hospo businesses to take care of our one planet home.
Why mugs? These aren’t just any mugs, they are pre-loved, these are rescue mugs, we give them a new life…
Our Mugs We Love
Because someone has already loved these mugs, got up and sipped on their morning cuppa from them and drank peppermint tea to help them sleep, that means that to give them a new life takes no extra energy, no resources from our world to produce a new product. Mugs have character, they are all a bit different, some are quirky, some are classy, some are bright and cheerful and some are serious, they add that character to a café or business, they let your customers express themselves and they also tell your customers that you care about our impact on the environment.
Get Some Mugs
Whether your cafe or work place wants to go completely Single-Use- Cup free or are just looking for another option to discourage single use, we are here to support you. The more choices you can offer customers or staff the better.
We will supply you with a fleet of mugs delivered in a wooden crate. We can either take the crate away on delivery or you can use it as a drop off point for customers to return their mugs. We will also supply you with a small mug stand with signage. We ask that you put the mug stand in a place where it has equal or more prominence then any disposable coffee cups .
Does it cost anything? We are a not-for-profit initiative. However the only charge will be a $7.50 service charge for each delivery of a fleet of mugs. This charge of course would be insignificant compared to the thousands of dollars you could potentially save by just having a few mugs reused over and over again. The mugs have been donated and so will remain a community resource that all cafes can share and use, and are therefore not part of this charge.
Help Our Mugs
We are happy for cafes and workplaces to source their own mugs and still remain part of the Mug.Cycle scheme, the goal of the scheme is to promote reuse, in our experience we find that 90% of mugs are returned to the cafe they were borrowed from. However we are very keen to encourage mugs being dropped off at other cafes and locations. We want to make the scheme as visible as possible e:g having good consistent signage and counter scan codes etc so the customers are encouraged and can find info about other cafes participating cafes, drop off locations and share pictures of their borrowed mugs journey tagging cafes etc ..
Putting out calls on social media and community pages for used mugs is a great way to help out the scheme, get in touch today to get involved